Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why I'm here

I was "doing" Face book and I did not like reading my "Friends" postings and what games they were playing, so I decided to start my blog so I didn't have to deal with all of that. I have spent the evening getting set up so I don't have anything to share tonight. I usually feel creative after supper when I am wondering what to do and there is nothing on television, and I get on the computer. My daughter and her family are visiting me right now from Michigan. This is the first time her family has been in Alaska. My son-in-law says that he was surprised that Ketchikan is so narrow and is built on the side of a mountain. He is enjoying the coming and goings of the five float planes outside my window. I enjoy watching them also, but I don't enjoy all the noise they create. Unfortunately you can't have one without the other. Here's some pictures we took out at Herring Cove near the fish hatchery.


  1. That is a great picture of the eagle chasing the bear for it's fish.

  2. Love the photos! I've always wanted to visit Alaska, even tried to talk my hubby into moving there, but he wouldn't. Can't wait for more posts and photos!!!

  3. Oh, I forgot, your header is beautiful!!!
    I love Otters!!!

  4. Hi Michele. I followed Nise' over here--I am a follower of her blog. I love your pictures and am so jealous of where you live. My goal is to take an Alaskan cruise with my husband for our 30th anniversary. We have 3 years to get ready as next month will be our #27. I live in Seattle so it is oh-so easy to just hop on a cruise liner from downtown.
    I hope you enjoy blogging--I know what you mean about facebook--I dabble with it, but it is not my favorite thing to do on the computer.

  5. I found your blog by clicking over from Nise's blog. I hope you are going to talk about Alaska on this blog. When my husband and I retired we sold everything and bought and RV. Our dream was to travel in it to Alaska. We spent the entire summer of 2007 there and loved it. We want to go again. I'd love to know what it's like to live there and what sorts of things you do. Keep writing.
